176 research outputs found

    Understanding the Determinants of Female Labor Force Participation in the Middle East and North Africa Region: The Role of Education and Social Norms in Amman

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    The similarities between the labor market supply of women with a Middle Eastern background living in Europe and those of women living in the Middle East is of particular interest. Indeed, empirical evidence shows that Female Labor Force Participation (FLFP) of immigrants reflects to a large extent the FLFP of country of origin, with women from more conservative societies tending to participate less in the labor market than natives or immigrants from countries with a high FLFP. This impacts the host country’s FLFP at an aggregate level. Therefore, from a European perspective, understanding the determinants of female labor supply in the conservative societies, such as countries from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is of particular interest, considering the high share of this group among immigrants. Hence, this empirical research focuses on the role of education, especially higher education, and social norms in MENA on the choice of women to work outside. The region has achieved substantial progress in educating women, increasingly so at the tertiary level and across disciplines, but its FLFP remains the lowest among all regions. Our paper empirically investigates the impact of education with emphasis on higher education on FLFP and the relationship between social norms and female labor supply in a representative city in MENA, namely Amman, Jordan, as a proxy for MENA. Our analysis shows that higher education (post-secondary/university/post-university) has a positive and significant impact on FLFP, whereas secondary and below do not. In addition, there is a strong negative and statistically significant association between traditional social norms and the participation of women in the labor force. The findings pose the question of whether additional policies and actions are needed to change institutions and attitudes toward women’s work in general, as well as improve the economic opportunities of women who have secondary education which affects the bulk of working age women.

    Traitement endoscopique des complications biliaires de l’hydatidose hépatique

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    L'objectif était d'évaluer l'efficacité du traitement endoscopique des complications biliaires de  l'hydatidose hépatique. Ont été inclus 36 patients hospitalisés pour prise en charge endoscopique des complications biliaires du kyste hydatique du foie (KHF) sur une période de 13 ans, d'un âge moyen de 46 ans et avec une prédominance masculine dans 63% des cas. La prévalence des complications biliaires du KHF est de 2,3% dans notre série. La cholangiopancréatographie rétrograde endoscopique (CPRE) a permis d'objectiver une fistule kystobiliaire dans 35% des cas, des images lacunaires dans la voie biliaire principale (VBP) dans 70% des cas en rapport avec du matériel hydatique. La sphinctérotomie  endoscopique (SE) a été réalisée chez tous les patients permettant l'extraction de matériel hydatique par  ballonnet d'extraction ou par panier Dormia, ainsi qu'une dilatation de la VBP par bougie. L'évolution a été marquée par la disparition de l'ictère au bout de 5 à 12 jours en moyenne après le geste endoscopique et par le tarissement de la fistule biliaire externe au bout de 10 à 12 jours. Aucune complication liée au traitement endoscopique n'a été objectivée. Trois patients ont évolué vers une cholangite sclérosante qui s'est compliquée d'une cirrhose biliaire secondaire au bout de 3 ans.Le traitement endoscopique des complications biliaires d'hydatidose hépatique est une thérapie sûre et  efficace avec une faible morbidité et mortalité. Key words: Fistule biliaire, kyste hydatique du foie, sphinctérotomie endoscopiqu

    Malignant degeneration of cystic teratoma of the ovary: two cases report

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    The malignant degeneration of mature ovarian teratomas is a rare phenomenon. Case reported two cases of squamous cell carcinoma developed on mature teratoma of the ovary in patients aged 54 and 41 who were seen for chronic pelvic pain. Their pelvic ultrasound showed cystic double-component images with sizes of 103 and 95 mm respectively suggestive of dermoid cysts, and the anatomopathological study of the pieces of adnexectomy confirmed the diagnosis. Although no clinical, radiological or biological signs are specific, ovarian dermal cyst degeneration is suspected in the presence of a large dermoid cyst in a postmenopausal or peri-menopausal woman. The careful anatomo-pathological study of the cyst in this case makes it possible to pose the diagnosis of certainty. A rare complication of the dermoid cyst, its prognosis is pejorative and depends mainly on its clinical stage at the time of diagnosis and the quality of its surgical treatment which must be as radical as possible

    Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the breast about one case, Presentation of a rare entity

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    Squamous cell carcinoma of the breast is a rare disease, it is presented as a palpable mass, often of large volume. The clinical aspects are not specific. Squamous cell carcinomas of the breast are not hormone-dependent and are not very lymphophilic. The diagnosis is histological after eliminating the metastatic origin. Overall survival and no recurrence are worse than any other forms of breast cancer. Treatment is similar to the ductal infiltrating carcinomas one and is based on surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The prognosis is poor. We reported one case of squamous cell carcinoma of the breast collected at the department of gynecology and obstetrics at Mohammed VI university hospital of Oujda through this observation we will focus on the different characteristics of this entity which remains rare

    Primary breast lymphoma: a case report

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    Primary breast lymphoma is a primary degeneration of the breast lymphoid tissue. Study aim to describe primary breast lymphoma; its clinical presentations, histological particularities and management methods. A 33 years-old patient with no medical history underwent a breast surgery. Its anatomo-pathological study, supplemented by immunohistochemistry, showed a primary breast lymphoma. The extension assessment was negative. The patient underwent chemotherapy with regression of the tumor. Breast lymphomas are rare conditions. Its clinical symptomatology is polymorphic and the imaging aspects are non-specific. It should be evoked in front of any breast tumor in order to avoid heavy breast surgery since the basic treatment is based on chemotherapy

    La grossesse gémellaire sur un utérus pseudo unicorne: à propos d’un cas

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    L'incidence des malformations utérines est estimée dans la population générale entre 0,1 et 3%. La survenue d'une grossesse en cas de malformation utérine est une situation potentiellement à haut risque obstétrical. Nous décrivons un cas très rare d'une grossesse gémellaire sur un utérus pseudo unicorne découverte précocement à 8 SA, permettant la réalisation d'une hémihysterectomie de la corne rudimentaire prévenant ainsi le risque majeur de la rupture utérine. L'évolution était favorable jusqu'à 37 SA où la patiente a été programmée pour césarienne prophylactique. Le dépistage échographique au premier trimestre de la grossesse est donc primordial permettant la détection systématique de ce genre de malformation afin de prévenir les complications.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Intellectual trends and explanatory theory for occupational safety And prevention of work accidents

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    يعد المورد البشري المحرك الأساسي للعملية الإنتاجية في مواقع العمل المختلفة، وبدون العنصر البشري لا تحقق الأجهزة والأدوات والآلات الضخمة دورها وستبقى غير مفيدة ولا تعمل إذا لم يتوافر العقل البشري الذي يحركها ويوظفها ويصونها. لذلك يجب أن تتوافر له ظروف العمل الآمنة الكفيلة بتحقيق الدرجة المناسبة في أدائه للعمل. من خلال ورقتنا البحثية نسعى لتطرق إلى أهم الاتجاهات الفكرية والنظرية لتحقيق السلامة المهنية في المنشآت الصناعية والمؤسسات باستخدام الوسائل الفنية والتقنية للوقاية من حوادث العمل.The human resource is the main engine of the production process in the various workplaces, and without the human element, devices, tools and huge machines will not achieve their role and will remain useless and do not work if the human mind that moves them, employs and preserves them is not available. Therefore, he must have safe working conditions to achieve the appropriate degree in his performance of work. Through our research paper, we seek to address the most important intellectual and theoretical trends to achieve occupational safety in industrial establishments and institutions using technical and technical means to prevent work accidents

    Variabilidad temporal de la dieta de los peneoideos Parapenaeus longirostris y Aristeus antennatus en Argelia (Mediterráneo suroccidental)

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    With the aim of analyzing the trophic dynamics of deep-sea shrimp over the central Algerian slope, stomach contents of 219 individuals of Parapenaeus longirostris and 263 Aristeus antennatus were collected at night at depths between 200 and 400 m on a seasonal scale in 2007. Fullness (f), which is a measure of feeding intensity, showed significant seasonal changes in Aristeus antennatus, and the highest f was found in pre-reproductive periods (3.3% in January; 3.0% in April) before the beginning of gonad maturation (April-September in the area). This trend was coupled with the period of high surface productivity off the central Algerian coast (November-April). In that pre-reproductive period A. antennatus consumed more crustaceans (e.g. large decapods such as Processa sp.) with a high energetic value. These kinds of seasonal oscillations in f were not found in P. longirostris, probably because it was distributed shallower than A. antennatus and does not have a single marked peak in its reproductive cycle. The dietary composition of P. longirostris and A. antennatus was clearly segregated in the MDS analysis, which suggests there is good resource partitioning between the two species. Foraminiferans, bivalves and polychaetes were the most frequent prey in the diet of both P. longirostris and A. antennatus. Small micro and mesoplankton prey (radiolarians, tintinnids, copepods and pteropods) were more important in the diet of P. longirostris, while A. antennatus fed more on benthos. Planktonic prey found in the diet of the two shrimp were more frequent in January-February and April-May, e.g. in periods of higher water homogeneity coupled with periods of higher surface production. The large contribution of zooplankton to the diet of the deep-water shrimp over Algerian slopes is probably due to the importance of eddies in the area, which may enhance water column production locally. The high surface temperature (lowest T in January of 15.2°C) may accelerate the degradation of the organic matter that reaches Algerian slope bottoms, thus reducing the biomass of macrobenthos. We hypothesized that this low availability of benthic food resources may favour night time migratory movements by benthopelagic shrimp off the Algerian coast in search of more productive, shallow bottoms.Con el objetivo de analizar la dinámica trófica de dos especies de gambas de profundidad en el talud continental de la zona central de Argelia se recolectaron 219 individuos de Parapenaeus longirostris y 263 de Aristeus antennatus durante pescas nocturnas entre 200 y 400 m de profundidad, a escala estacional durante 2007. La saciedad estomacal (f), como indicador de intensidad de alimentación, mostró variaciones estacionales significativas en Aristeus antennatus, con f más elevada en el período pre-reproductivo (3.3% en enero; 3.0% en abril), antes del inicio de la madurez gonadal (abril-septiembre en el área). Esta tendencia estuvo relacionada con el periodo de elevada productividad superficial en aguas de la costa central de Argelia (noviembre-abril). En el período pre-reproductivo, A. antennatus consumió más crustáceos (p. ej. grandes decápodos como Processa sp.) con elevado contenido energético. Por el contrario, no se detectaron tales variaciones estacionales en f en P. longirostris, probablemente porque se distribuye a menor profundidad que A. antennatus y no tiene un único pico de reproducción. Las composiciones de las dietas de P. longirostris y A. antennatus estuvieron claramente segregadas (en el análisis MDS), sugiriendo que existe un alto nivel de repartición de los recursos entre ambas especies. Foraminíferos, bivalvos y poliquetos fueron las presas más frecuentes tanto en la dieta de P. longirostris como en la dieta de A. antennatus. Las pequeñas presas micro- y mesoplanctónicas (radiolarios, tintínidos, copépodos y pterópodos) fueron más importantes en la dieta de P. longirostris, mientras que A. antennatus se alimentó preferentemente de fauna bentónica. Se encontraron presas planctónicas en la dieta de ambas especies con mayor frecuencia en enero-febrero y abril-mayo, es decir en periodos de elevada homogeneidad de las masas de agua, correspondiente a periodos de mayor producción superficial. La importante contribución del zooplancton en la dieta de las gambas de profundidad en el talud de Argelia se debe probablemente a la importancia de los remolinos en el área, que influyen localmente en la mayor productividad biológica de la columna de agua. La elevada temperatura superficial (temperatura mínima de enero: 15.2°C) puede acelerar la degradación de la materia orgánica que alcanza los fondos del talud argelino, incidiendo en una reducción de la biomasa del macrobentos. Proponemos la hipótesis de que la baja disponibilidad de recursos tróficos bentónicos puede favorecer los movimientos migratorios nocturnos por parte de las gambas bentopelágicas de las costas argelinas hacia fondos someros más productivos

    A rare localization of a foreign body: breast

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    We report a case of 52 years old that presented with an intramamary foreign body that was introduced by the patient herself, the foreign body was removed and the sent to Psychiatric Department for follow up. It’s a rare case of foreign body localization that can induce infections and abscess, but our patient was not infected hopefully.